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Privacy Policy l Meguro Accounting Office

Meguro Accounting Office, in the handling of personal data of our clients and business contacts in business transactions, abides by all applicable laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal data. Furthermore, in consideration of the international business climate, we have established our own independent rules and systems and have enacted our privacy policy as indicated below. We declare that we shall implement and maintain this privacy policy. With this protection of personal data declaration, we shall conduct appropriate reviews and strive towards continual improvements.

1. Handling Policy
In regards to the appropriate protection and use of personal data, our office abides by all applicable laws and any relevant government agency guidelines under which our business transactions fall, as well as requirements set out in our private policy. We shall comply with standards of tight security and preservation of confidentiality, and protect our clients' personal data.

2. Purpose of Personal Data Use

  1. In order to better serve our clients, our office acquires clients' personal data in carrying out business activities pertaining to asset securitization and liquidation related services, accounting audit services, and tax services, and proceeds with our clients and transactions safely and responsibly. Specifically, we acquire information for the following purposes:
  2. 1. Analyses, management, and reporting of asset securitizations and liquidations
    2. Commercial registrations
    3. Other related services

  3. 3. Proper Acquisition of Personal Data
  1. Our office shall collect our clients' personal data through legal and fair procedures. In the case of acquiring personal data indirectly, our office shall confirm whether the provider of the information has obtained the information properly and whether consent has been given by the source of the information. We shall use the information according to the arrangements specified in the contents of the contract. In the case of acquiring personal data directly, our office shall obtain consent from the source of the information regarding the purpose of use, or notify and post the necessary information on our website.

4. Safe Management Measures

In order to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, etc. of personal data, our office shall establish "Risk Management Plan" and devise countermeasures for appropriate data security against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc. In the same manner, we shall conduct strict control of companies to whom we have outsourced to handle our clients' personal data.

In addition, we shall educate all executives who handle our clients' personal data on the importance of personal data protection and information security.

5. Use and Provision of Personal Data

Our office shall neither use our clients' personal data beyond the range of acquisition purposes nor provide them to a third party, except in the following cases:

1. Consent from client
2. Legal imperatives
3. Necessity arising from the protection of a person's life, body, or assets
4. Service outsourcing to a third party (In such a case, upon examination of the said third party, we shall make necessary contracts and devise any other necessary measures prescribed by law.)

6. Procedure in Requests for Disclosures, etc.

Upon confirming whether the source of information (bearer of the personal data) possesses the authority for disclosures, revisions, discontinuances of use, eliminations, etc. regarding the bearer's own personal data; and whether the applicant is the bearer of the personal information; or, in unavoidable circumstances where the applicant is an acting agent for the bearer, whether the acting agent possesses the legitimate authority, our office shall take appropriate measures for disclosures, revisions, discontinuances of use, etc. unless there is a special reason.

For requests for disclosures, revisions, discontinuances of use, etc., please make inquiries to the contacts listed below.

7. Inquiries and Complaints
Our office accepts questions, requests for disclosures, etc., complaints regarding the handling of personal data and other inquiries regarding personal data by mail, e-mail, and telephone. We offer information regarding specific procedures during business hours.

Our contact information:
Meguro Accounting Office
§107-0062 La Tour Minami Aoyama 302,3-8-7, Minami Aoyama Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062
TEL.03-3401-3156 FAX.03-3401-3158

Except weekends and national holidays, our business hours are from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

8. Revisions
The above contents may be changed due to revisions in laws and regulations and other reasons.

Date of issue : June 2009
Revised date : January 2010